
Fundamental values and principles in DUMSA

We are the Delta State University Medical Students' Association, and we stand for integrity, compassion, and excellence in all that we do. We strive to create a supportive environment for medical students and advance medical education and service.
The Executives and the Provost, College of Health Sciences

What's New In DUMSA?

The executives welcome you to DUMSA. Our monthly Newsletter brings you the latest news, events, and updates from the Delta State University Medical Students' Association!

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100+ people read our articles daily!
Meet the executives

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You can view our gallery and articles, have fun playing chess and other online games on the website, take medical quizzes, and even submit your own content to be featured on our website! Or check out the demo of our AI project, coming soon!

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Discover our DUMSAITES

Meet new people, gain more life experiences and better yourself in this course for nobles. We are fostering an environment for growth in every aspect of life and life after school.

Explore our rich Community

DUMSA Chess Club

Home of Kings, Queens & everyone in between

Scrabble Club

How wide is your vocabulary?

DUMSA Tech Hub

Ground zero for innovators, tech enthusiasts and creatives

Chapters & Chatter - Home for Writers

For all lovers of literature

We are growing fast! Today DUMSA has 500+ active members.